Because blogging has opened my world up to include an insane amount of tutorials and things I want to try to make or do, I am making this page my master to-do list, with links to pages that will help me or guide me with whatever the project entails. I welcome you to try them out to! Be sure and drop me a link to pictures of your end result!
Applique pillows using dropcloth canvas
STATUS: material is cut, still need to make appliques, buy zippers and sew it all together.
Make my own underwear from an old tshirt
Inspiration was my favorite pair of underwear that looked really easy to sew
googled it and found this
STATUS: used my old underwear to make a pattern. Need to buy elastic and get to sewing.
Make a painted dropcloth rug
Inspiration was my mom talked about doing this a long time ago and I needed a project that me and Willie can do together.
Tons of info found around the internet, here's a good one with photo
STATUS: need to buy dropcloth, have the paint and polyurethane I will use to seal it. Waiting for a sunny day.
Sit with my serger and figure out rolled hems to hem my sheer curtains in my bedroom
Have everything, just need some quiet time to get zen with my serger.
Sew doily curtains
Inspiration courtesy of Farmama's gorgeous curtains here
STATUS: got a sheet at Goodwill, waiting on some doilies from ebay, need to find some more doilies sew.
Make embroidered wedding and birthday gift
Inspired by Kat, here
STATUS: got a book, got some hoops, got some thread, and am plugging away on the (very belated) birthday gift.
Knit a tropical lily top for Kali
Free pattern here
STATUS: Done! Pics on on the soon to be created to-done page!
These are just some links I am going to put here for my sanity as my ideas for projects vastly outpace my time for accomplishing any of them.